Back in January of 2018 I made a post (see: "On Social Media," 2018) where I talked a lot about how I used to do more stuff before I got caught up in the social media treadmill. I also just recently wrote another phlog entry talking about how easy it is to binge media of all kinds, and how that was also keeping me from doing the things that I wanted to do (see: "On Binging," 2018). Since I've written that initial post, I've found a lot more time to do some of the things that I convinced myself that I didn't have time to do before. I've knocked a few projects off of my internal To-Do list, I've written some more phlog entries, and so on. I'm still trying to find my legs, though, and even though it's been two months since I wrote On Social Media, I haven't settled down into any kind of routine yet. One of the things I lamented in On Social Media was that I used to read more than I currently do, and now that I have free time that I'm not using for social media, it's time for me to start getting back to things like reading that pile of books that's been blocking the door for a while. I used to read books a lot more than I do now. Somewhere along the line I slowed way down. Probably because I was spending that time that I was reading books reading long comment threads on the Internet instead. There were probably other activities mixed in there, too, but the details don't really matter. What matters is that since one of my current goals is to read more worthwhile stuff (but don't call it a New Year's Resolution (see "Why I don't make New Year's Resolutions," 2018), that's what I'm going to do. Specifically, I'm currently looking at increasing the volume of books that I read and, as a part of that, I knocked out a little scrap of HTML that I'm going to use to keep track of what I'm reading. You can find it in the Reading List selector at the top of this Gopher Hole. I may not add the updates to it to the RSS feed, unless there's some super demand for it. Updated 1 Mar, 2018