Reading list - 2018

Newest entries are on the bottom.

Last updated 31 December, 2018

Title Author In Progress? Finished? Comments
Absolute OpenBSD 2nd Edition Michael W Lucas N Y n.a
LaTeX Beginner's Guide Stefan Kottwitz N N On hold
The Secret Key and What it Opened Louisa May Alcott N Y Gutenberg link
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide Wizards of the Coast N Y n.a
You can surf the net! Marc Gascoigne N Y Selected passages Alt
Titus Groan Mervyn Peake N Y n.a
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Monster Manual Wizards of the Coast Y N n.a
The Tech Professional's Guide to Communicating in a Global Workplace:
Adapting Across Cultural and Gender Boundaries
April Wells N Y n.a
Getting Started With SQL Thomas Nield N Y Refreshing my memory and skills
Sitting Pretty Marmaduke Brad Anderson N Y n.a
The Bionic Banana E. Richard & Linda R. Churchill N Y n.a
B.C. is Alive and Well! Johnny Hart N Y n.a
B.C. Big Wheel! Johnny Hart N Y Picked up a few old paperback comic collections over the weekend
Mad's Al Jaffee Spews Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions Al Jaffee N Y n.a
Gormenghast Mervyn Peake N Y n.a
Belvedere and Friend George Crenshaw N Y n.a
Don Martin's Droll Book Don Martin N Y n.a
Titus Alone Mervyn Peake N Y n.a
101 Uses for a Dead Cube John Zales and John Stevens N Y 'Read' is a strong word. This book turned out to be mostly pictures of bad jokes
Garfield Minus Garfield Jim Davis N Y n.a
How To Win At Nintendo Games 4 Jeff Rovin N Y Probably the weakest entry in the series. No wonder I never found it when it was still in print.
thrice great hermes sl N Y
How to Master the Video Games Tom Hirschfeld N Y I suddenly have an urge to track down a Venture machine.
Dere Mr. Presdident: the hilarious letters kids write to the president Richard M. Nixon, Art Linkletter, Edited by Hannibal Coons N Y It's a little weird these days to see anything positive written about Richard Nixon, especially stuff written by kids
More Sweetie Pie Nadine Seltzer N Y n.a
Heathcliff Strikes Again! George Gately N Y n.a
Heathcliff Rides Again! George Gately N Y n.a
Heathcliff First Prize! George Gately N Y Went to a church sale and cleaned their book table of the funny books. Sorry, kids.
1,001 Great Jokes Jeff Rovin N Y I bought this book just because it was written by the How To Win at Nintendo guy, but I think my copy was defective. I found no 'great jokes' in this book at all. Just rehashes of 'jokes' that get passed around by 'that guy' who 'heard it somewhere' and thinks he's funnier than he is.
Press Start to Play Edited by Daniel H. Johnson and John Joseph Adams N N This book was terrible. I should have been tipped off when one of the editors put his own story in the front of the book. Read the first half dozen stories and then gave up.
Mr. Pye Mervyn Peake N Y n.a
The Color of Magic Terry Pratchett N Y n.a
The Light Fantastic Terry Pratchett N Y n.a
Kids Say The Darndest Things Art Linkletter N N Interesting because it's illustrated by Charles Schulz, but pretty dull
More Marmaduke Brad Anderson N Y n.a
Learn Python 3 The Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and Code, First Edition Zed Shaw N N Figured it was about time to learn how to do something a little more advanced than basic shell scripting
More Marmaduke Brad Anderson N Y n.a
Equal Rites Terry Pratchett N Y n.a
Heathcliff at Home George Gately N Y n.a
Is That All Beetle Bailey Mort Walker N Y n.a
The King is a Fink! Brant Parker & Johnny Hart N Y n.a
The Truth about HTML5 RJ Owen, Luke Stevens N Y n.a
Learning XML Erik T. Ray N Y n.a
Mad's Dave Berg Looks At Things Dave Berg N Y n.a
Mad Clowns Around The Usual Gang of Idiots N Y I keep finding old Mad paperbacks in the kids' department of used book stores
RFC 5321 J. Klensin N Y n.a
RFC 5322 P. Resnick, Ed. N Y These might technically not count as books, but it's my reading list and I can do what I want.
Mort Terry Pratchett N Y n.a
Pokemon Pocket Comics Classic Santa Harukaze N Y n.a