-------------------------------------------------------------- Entry #6 The Serpent Sea 2023-09-16 -------------------------------------------------------------- Dear unknown person, I don't want to use this gopher den to dump files and forget them. I don't know if you'd call that a file dump. I know that the usual thing is to turn your web space into a self-praising ad, so I'll try and find a nice middle point, where I just share what I'm working on. Firsty things first, I'm not that good at writing in English. If I've written this thing in a language other than my own is because of people I've met, friends you may call them, and they happen to read English. So don't expect perfection. I have to work slowly, reaching out for the meaning of this and that word and if it makes sense in the context, and all that. It's time consuming and even irritating, for it breaks the flow of writing but it does the job for my humble needs. With all those disclaimers out of the way, Allow me to introduce you to my fiction works on my gopher. As they stand out today, they are three: "Koy's diary", "Evil like us" and "Heart of Valor", all set in the "Serpent Sea" middle fantasy world. So, what's this "Serpent Sea"? Imagine a planet mostly as ours, change the geography, add orcs, goblins and some hidden creatures, toss a pinch of hidden, subtle magic here and there. That's the main thing; then suppose there used to be a human empire, that fell down and the orcs somehow destroyed, long ago. But there's an area of the world, the Serpent Sea, where humans turned the tide, and built a new civilization, one based on freely associated city states, independent but sharing many laws and regulations, and... there's the s-word, meaning slavery. Not in the Gorean sense or in the American one, more like in the Ancient Roman one, done for the usual reasons of greed and everybody else is doing it. So that's the core of the setting. I think I should stop here, not to make this post into a wiki; there's not too much yet at this point, but you'd probably enjoy the map, I hope. You could even use it for your own ttrpg games. Anyway, they are on /fiction/serpent_sea, as it should be obvious from the main gopher map of this hole. Oh, and about "Middle Fantasy"? I shall tell you.