-------------------------------------------------------------- Entry #7 2023-09-17 -------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, and about "Middle Fantasy"? I shall tell you. I'm telling you now. There are the common concepts of high and low fantasy. High fantasy are the usual fantasy worlds of Dungeon & Dragons, or Tolkien: a different world, populated by fantasy creatures, monsters, and where magic is, to some extent, a given. Low fantasy stories run on a modified "real" world, except that it adds magic to the mix. Lastly, there's the "Alternate History", where we are on the real world, but the nazis won or Hitler becomes an art celebrity in Austria and not a dictator. So what would "Middle Fantasy" be, and what's the need for it? Well, it's a world mostly like our own, a terrestrial planet well suited for human life and where the usual rules of science apply. However, magic could still be there, sprouting in secluded places, never quite reliable, to the point most people can doubt or even outright deny its existence. You know a bit like many people used to (still?) believe the "real" world to be. And about the need of it? Well, Middle Fantasy is what most of my stories are, and I needed something to tell them for the usual High fantasy, low fantasy, and alternate history. So, as our king Porky stuttered, "that's all folks"