Wee-kens from Yretek ----------------------- A depository of my thoughts in short form. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/17 Time: 12:05 Let's see if this double script thingy really works or werks, because if it's werks I'll be mighty pissed. I tellin' y'all! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/17 Time: 11:58 I really wish this thing to work out smoothly, I really do ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/17 Time: 11:54 This, a very long one line entry, it's only there to see if my formatting script works or werks. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/17 Time: 11:40 Gopher, where response time is measured in weeks, not seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/17 Time: 11:40 Gopher might be like one of those old churches passers-by expect to die out at any time, but just keep on. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/16 Time: 13:03 Martin Baltser's "Hipothermia" is my new song crush ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023/09/16 Time: 07:46 Bless the light of the new day ===================================================================