- musings - # One lane too few I hate 2-lane highways. I recently traveled via route 81, which is a highway that runs along the spine of Appalachia in the eastern USA. Between trucks and regular-sized automobiles that have no shame in tying up the passing lane, the experience can be a real pain in the ass. I understand the draw toward the "fast" lane when traversing a truck-laden throughway further encumbered by merging traffic, but who wants to bounce back and forth over a long drive? Me! I have a penchant for efficiency and absence thereof is frustrating. Such is why I've become an advocate for some modern auto technologies. Sensor-based auto-braking is my favorite modern feature. The core of my frustration is disrupting cruise control. Vehicles that have cruise control that automatically manage follow distance are, from conversations with others, an underappreciated modern feature. It removes my core frustration commuting on all roadways and think if more leveraged the feature, our commutes and travel would be significantly safer. The difference between radar-activated braking and my own reaction to brake lights is evident. I recognize my inferiority to machines in this context. # Purpose Just a note to illuminate the purpose of this page. It will be something of a "public" facing journal. I enjoy writing things down in order to better process them, and sometimes, I think the output is interesting. This page will contain a random selection, and I may backfill with content from my personal journal. My thoughts are always a work-in-progress; they may not be well nuanced, but I am amenable to change. # 2/2/2024 Groundhog day is of special significance to me. Finding it to be a humorous holiday, I've managed to time pivotal life changes to coincide with the cultural phenomenon. This year, our dear Punxsutawney did not see his shadow, meaning a change of trajectory is in order. For me, that means a loose-laid plan to relocate to a new city has triggered. It's a move I've considered for years. I'm excited that the world's most famous geomyidae is the impetus. # Gopher clients I use two: bombadillo on the nixes and gophercle on android. Never had much reason to look further than the former, and gophercle is solid but a little unkempt.