- english muffins - -- prepare starter -- - 1 cup flour (recommend King Arthur bread flour) - 1 tsp active dry yeast - 1/2 cup water > mix in a bowl > allow to rest for up to 24 hours -- prepare dough -- - 3 cups flour - 1 cup milk - 1 tsp active dry yeast (or remainder packet) - 1 tsp salt - 2 tbsp sugar (dark brown for me) - 2 tbsp butter or oil > mix wet ingredients and seasoning with starter > add flour, mix > knead; i like to punch down > allow to rest in fridge 24 hours to 1 week -- muffin time -- I prefer large muffins in order to capture meal-sized quantities of meat, egg, and/or other fare. For me, that means 4.5" baking rings are about right. This recipe produces about 1100g of dough. For an even 8 muffins, use 137.5g of dough each. For 7: 157g. 157 would be chonky at 4.5". > form balls of dough, 137.5g each > on a flat, clean surface, sprinkle some cornmeal > lay rings, place dough ball > knead balls until they fill rings > sprinkle more cornmeal atop each muffin > rest until dough reaches room temp and rises slightly > can cook via skillet or oven, ~10 minutes per side - baking: ~350F - stovetop: low-medium heat > poke with fork around circumference to perforate (allows for maximal nooks and crannies; don't cut w/ a knife) makes 8 muffins * if baking, be sure to press after flipping to assure proper shape I typically bake, as I prefer a softer outter shell. I also often make the dough balls, wrap in parchment paper, place in zip lock bag, and refrigerate until I'm ready to cook. The older dough balls taste better.