On why I lost, then re-gained, interest on Gemini Thursday, January 18, 2022 For the longest time, I had a phlog entry on how and why I had gotten got disenchanted with Gemini. Now, after a long hiatus in my phlogging activity, I set up to finally finish it. Only to find its contents utterly irrelevant nowadays. You see, you cannot fairly comment on a fledging specification on the grounds of its state 18 months ago. So after reading the last spec iteration I find all issues solved. I'd never have chosen ``` as a pre-formatted text toggle but well, I guess markdown had to find its way into the protocol one way or another. I wouldn't have allowed the concept, just for this instance, of state in what purports to be a "line oriented media type" either. Sorry folks, it just no longer is. If you want a line oriented media type, just define a core line type to be just that: pre-formatted text. I vaguely remember having proposed this line type indicator to be "==". Yeah, we'd have to type 16 equals signs in our ASCII banner then, granted. You know, in my Spanish keyboard ``` requires 4 key strokes: 3 back tildes plus a space, as ` is a dead key. That's 8 key strokes for a pre-formatted text block. Not much typing saving for me here :-) At any rate, these are just aesthetic matters. I can now specify pre-formatted text as an author. I can have a client that reflows text however I might choose to configure it, in whatever proportional or monospaced font I fancy as a reader. Also, I get to produce content in some sane format without having to touch markdown to, which is nice. It's not that I dislike markdown particularly. The ting is: I can choose to serve some markdown document whenever want. There is the text/markdown mime type, and the protocol allows for arbitrary mime media types after all. On the other hand Gophers legacy is text. It has its limitations and some modernization is in order. But the intent never was to start another HTML World Wide Web! I was going to expose what my former issues with the spec were, but I realise I've already more than hinted at them by now.