I mentioned in a previous post [1] that it will be neat to watch as pubnix users continue to develop the social tools used by the pubnix community itself. Below is a list of some software and features I've seen available on pubnixes and pubnix-like systems recently. And some are not written yet; just concepts that would be neat if they did exist. Note that I am a gopher newbie and minimalist, so although I am aware of several pubnix-user developed gopher utilities, I don't list them here. I believe that several of the programs below were written by smj on SDF, so rather than repeating his name over and over below, I've *'ed those items. ~ INTER-USER COMMUNICATION ~ notes* - leave notes that individual other users will see on login. messages* - send direct messages to other online users. somewhat redundant with standard 'write' program. anonymous community journal - like "happening"* on SDF. chat - lightweight alt. to IRC. e.g. schat on Zaibatsu, chat on colorfield.space, party on grex, or even com* on SDF. bbs - e.g. telem (solderpunk), gboard (tfurrows), SDF's bboard, or tilde's bbj (desvox). ~ NOVELTY ~ oneliner* - enter a single line of text (a witty saying, typically) or view a randomly selected line contributed by others. tilde-train - a variation on "sl" (steam locomotive) that builds a train by adding cars that users define in their .choochoo files. (written by yours truly, which is why it is so poorly coded...) novelty irc bots - Many, many, many. Some are useful, some are fun, some are downright annoying (if overused). ## This novelty section could be gigantic. In some ways, this is some of the most exciting elements to pubnixes, the engineer's playground of digital toys. I'll cut this short with elipses and make a dedicated "pubnix novelty programs" another time... ~ GOVERNANCE ~ voting tool - solderpunk mentioned this concept on gboard a while back. I don't know if such a tool actually exists. vouch system - allow users to voice confidence that a new, unprivileged user is trustworthy and should be given full user rights (blinkenshell, presumably written by independence.) on-boarding quiz - Part of automated new user sign-up process. ensures that applicants have read and understood the code of conduct and related information.(Blinkenshell, presumably written by independence.) invite code generator - Allow users to vouch for and invite others (for bigger systems, obviously). ~ PUBLISHING/BLOGGING ~ command line blog - I would love to see one that is .plan or .project based, as someone on circumlunar.space mentioned recently. I believe tilde.town's Feels Engine can do this (and more, e.g. post to html), but I haven't used it yet. ~ INFO ~ who/last - List who is online, potentially what they're doing, and the last login time for people not currently online. This would be a combined version of 'w' or 'who' and 'last' commands. sysinfo - pubnix users are geeks, usually. Give them a command that summarizes system resources, load, and other interesting bits. -- This gopher post will be a work in progress for a little while. I'd like to think more about the categorization and about the criteria for what is on the list and off the list (e.g. this does not include tools like "finger", a classic and still useful tool for looking up info on other users). And, this list is in no way intended to suggest that a standard set of tools should be used across pubnix-ville. The opposite, in fact -- variety is mroe interesting. This list is just intended to remark on how much is going on already, and to suggest a few tools that would be nice to see built. [1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~cmccabe/06-hexachlorophene.txt