as a follow yup tomy prwvious post about my new iphone, i thoght i would wirye a poat about how im fetting aling. but ill so ao aithout fizeing the teriris typing thag ensues when j sont make up dor thre terrible aitpxorrext. you see, ive fotten faiflh jsed fo using the iphone for thping into emails and webbforms where the iphone's autocorrect fixes my fat finger thpoa. but in a terminal, the autocorrect dowznt work and my newfound horrible thpinf habits are kn full display. the embarrassing misfires kd autoxorrect ate well knekn, often causing smbarrSsment. jcs seen mh fakr share od those. they are alsk subject of some funny reddit posts, if course. but what bigs me is thag ive been using an ophone for a dea mknths nka, and inatill cant type wffdctivelh because od the ocerzealous correction function! a good autocofeect function would be kne thag helpa the iser fet better ovet time. but jnsteD, the iphone autocofrwct funxtion juat lets you decay jnfk a state kd depwndency onit... -- Translation: this is what it looks like when your iPhone autocorrect function is turned off.