Who said phlog posts have to be about prose? And who said phlog posts can't be "live streamed"? I am working on a project inspired by the Solar Powered Website[1]. The idea is to power a pubnix by renewable energy. But rather than using solar engery, I am trying to use human power. The goal is to construct a gravity battery that will maintain a rechargable battery which, in turn, powers a Raspberry Pi Zero w. As often as necessary, I will lift a weight that will then power a generator while it descends. The first test is to determine how long the pi will run off the fully charged battery. I'm not home most of the day today, so I'm "streaming" a date stamp to a file[2] that I can check anywhere. When the date stamp log stops updating, the battery has run out. [EDIT 2]: Test complete. The pi zero w lasts about two days, seven hours and 26 minutes on this battery. [EDIT 1]: I failed to make a couple important points about this not really being an "off-grid" pubnix. For one, the rpi itself will be powered by human effort, but the router it wirelessly connects to will not. And for two, the fact that it rides on the Internet is quite the contrary to the concept of "off grid". It is probably better to refer to it as a renewable-energy powered endpoint on the Internet. If you were to provide off-grid power to the rpi *and* the router, then you could create an off-grid wireless LAN -- but that's another project altogether. -- [1] https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/about.html [2] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~cmccabe/files/timer.txt