I have been keeping a list of front page news story titles from foxnews.com and cnn.com recently, to give me fodder for conversations about how little coverage they give to real news. I was keeping the headlines recorded in a sort of genericized format, because the specific details are almost always irrelevant (furthering the point that the news is not important). Then I noticed that my list starting looking a bunch of titles you would expect to see on theonion.com. But just as I was going to write them up anyway, this gem came across the front page of foxnews.com: Giant spider hauls away man's pet goldfish for dinner https://www.foxnews.com/science/giant-spider-hauls-away-goldfish Friends, do not worry about the threat posed by unregulated corporations. Have no fear that their ownership of mainstream news media is not just a form of profit, but also a way to kill stories about corporate pillaging of the environment or support for tyrranical governments. Those stories probably aren't real anyway. Right? Instead, look! A giant spider was caught preying on a pet goldfish! Can you believe it? International front page news!