2020-07-03 Pubnix Admin Interviews, #1, Ben Harris I have published the first interview of the pubnix sysadmins interview series. The interview is with Ben Harris of tilde.team fame (and more). It is initially published in my gemini space on rawtext.club[1], but I will eventually mirror it and other interviews on gopher and http as well. If you would like to suggest any other admins for me to interview, please send me an email: cmccabe AT rawtext.club. Or, if you would like to interview someone and slap a "Pubnix History Project" label on it, that would be *really* cool. I have already completed the first steps of 5 or 6 other interviews and just need to complete them before publication. However, there are a *lot* more pubnix admins out there, especially looking back in time, so this should keep me busy for a while. -- [1] gemini://rawtext.club:1965/~cmccabe/pubnix-admins.gmi