More phup, brew diy ------------------------- Sun 2nd Dec 2018 /cpj Today's a full day off. Spent some time this morning puttering on little projects. 1. Fixed a header zero-pad issue with 'phup'. I knew it would happen; I just needed to be prompted by the month flip to add the base-10 recode. If you're using my gopher management script, please download the latest, and save yourself some headache. 2. Been thinking that 'phup' is almost at the threshold where it a) needs to be dropped on GitHub, and b) needs a manfile. 3. Did my first `brew diy` today, because `brew doctor` was reporting warnings with some code I had installed directly to /usr/local. I have other directly compiled code there, just that 'jday' installs headers and libraries, which apparently sends homebrew into conniptions. It was fairly slick. So, note to self, if ever my code uses libraries, homebrew's diy is the way to go. 4. I tend to self document my system, so I remember what I did (especially for cryptic stuff). In some instances, I will create manpages for local code or scripts (~/share/man) and in others, I will add it to my notes system. I've noticed around, especially with writers, that everyone has a system, or tool for managing notes. Some use simple online offerings, like 'Google Keep', or 'Evernote'. Me, I prefer text files, so I use 'nvALT', a fork of 'Notational Velocity' by Brett Terpstra [1]. Yes, I live in the walled garden of Apple. So nvALT on my Mac is synced via 'Dropbox' to 'Permanote' on my mobile devices. I tend to write in markdown, so native support is appreciated. Brett's other project is 'Marked2' which does a beautiful job of rendering multimarkdown. 5. Been thinking also of setting up a gopher server on a spare Raspberry Pi I have lying around. This will wait till the holidays, methinks. For raw Linux work, I tend to work on the Pis, through ssh. I rarely use a GUI with Linux, as my main production machine is a Mac, and I'm less likely to get dragged into a desktop war if I stick to the commandline when *nixing. I do have one machine (a ThinkPad T400) that has 'doze, purely to support 'doze-only amateur radio applications, like satcomms, or radio programming. Oh, and at the risk of a foray, 'Debian' (and its forknesses) bring me joy. Peace. [1]