Reading questions... ------------------------- Wed 2nd Jan 2019 /cpj 2018 was a busy year for me, as I was finishing off a post-graduate diploma in municipal management. As such, I was reading management theory in my spare time, and not fiction, or engaging non-fiction, as would be my want. The last few weeks, since I wrote my exam in early December, have been filled with gopherness, which has been a welcome reward for my labours. 2019 promises to be a better year for my hobbies and leisure pursuits, now that I have bought the house (with a bit of property). I still have to get my amateur radio tower erected (or at least antennas outside), my storage locker cleaned out and closed, and general house-related puttering accomplished. I have a couple dozen books on the "To Be Finished" pile, including: - Ready Player One (Cline) - When We Are No More (Rumsey) - Barney's Version (Richler) - The Square and the Tower (Ferguson) - Buddhism for Busy People (Michie) Lists are motivating things. And so, without further ado, my answers to Christina's questions: Who are your favourite protagonists? - anti-heroes Who are your favourite antagonists? - anti-villains What, so far, is the best book you've read this year? - I am finishing _Agent of Byzantium_ by Harry Turtledove. It's 2019 as I write this. ;) Can you list three to five of your favourite authors? Why are they your favourite? - Spider Robinson - Douglas Adams - Neil Gaiman I believe all three writers to be necessary additions to one's bookshelf / e-reader. For me, each author's seminal work defines their contribution to their genre -- for Robinson, his Callahan series, for Adams, his Hitchhiker's Guide, and for Gaiman, his Sandman series. What are your least favourite genres to read? - Romance, true crime (I prefer untrue crime, as fictional criminals are less dumb.) What was the last book you recommended to a friend? - _Pirates of the Horsehead Nebula_ by my friend Georgie Brown What is your favourite film adaptation of a book? - _Princess Bride_ What books have you read the most times? - _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ by Douglas Adams What fictional world or novel's setting would you like to live in? - Amber, featured in Roger Zelazny's Amber Series. What are your favourite classic books? - _Lord of the Rings_ (trilogy), Tolkien - _Sandman_ (series), Gaiman - _Amber_ (series), Zelazny - _I, Robot_ (series), Asimov - _Stranger in a Strange Land_, Heinlein - _Illuminatus_ (trilogy), Robert Anton Wilson - _Dragonriders of Pern_ (series), McCaffrey - _Fafrd and the Grey Mouser_ (collection), Fritz Leiber - _Gord the Rogue_ (series), E Gary Gygax - _The Fionavar Tapestry_ (trilogy), Guy Gavriel Kay What is the most recent book you didn't expect to like, yet did? - _Shadows Over Sheradan_, the self-published first book of a friend of mine, Scott Barker, to whom I did not have to lie when I said I liked it. ;) If you could meet one author, living or dead, who would it be? - Jules Verne What authors do you think more people should read? - Canadian