Hello, friend. Here we are again. It's been longer than I expected. And yet, I still feel like I don't know where to begin. As they say, start at the beginning. I haven't written all year, and I don't know why. Just couldn't work up the motivation to really sit down and write. It's a shame, really -- I probably would've benefitted from such an outlet. But here we are, three quarters of the way through the year and nothing to show for it on gopherspace. Well, some track listings, but nothing phlog-wise. A ~/ of half-finished thoughts and missed opportunities. Is that a bad thing though? After all, gopherland is more than just phlogs. So instead of recounting the year's events, why don't I start the year fresh, this wonderful September day? I'm writing now from something I found myself doing on the fediverse: documenting shower thoughts. Not because it wasn't popular there (narrator: it wasn't), but because I feel this is the more appropriate medium for it. I'll start with one I had a little bit ago, and I'd love to write about another but it's slipped my mind. It's just an impetus to actually write them down here instead of escaping into the aether. For some time now I've really wanted a MSSIAH cartridge. It's purpose is simple: play the SID chip inside a C64 as a MIDI device. This, of course, is right up my alley, because I love all (ok, most) things SID, and I've been kicking myself since I missed my chance to own a SidStation. Unemployment has that effect. But while I know I would absolutely love to get this cart and play all the .MIDs squirreled away on it, wouldn't it be more fun to DIY? (The answer is "yes") So I have this COne that I picked up ages ago because it's cool and I like playing with C64s, and reconfigurable computers were supposed to be the future and everything, but of course I lost interest and didn't grab the expansion board for the minimig core, and my first idea for a project implementing the NES on it fell flat as soon as I learned someone already did it. So why don't I take this fancy computer and configure it up to be a MIDI device? Sounds plausible, and far from the worst idea of the week. It will keep me out of trouble and I've been itching to mess with VHDL again. Of course, the IEC port is not the same as a MIDI port, but a quick adapter should solve that. Hrm, I might actually do this one if I work up the motivation...