approximately 1 in 8 Americans will not have three full meals today or will struggle to get the three meals that they eat The bloody auction is complete, though as with all such things there are still some questions as to who bought what. So it goes. Some of the equipment that was auctioned is already on its way out, strapped to trucks and on the road. It's good that it won't be cut up for scrap, it may help some other company try to stay together and keep some people employed. Another of my people, a guy with 40+ years with the company, left today. He has a good new job lined up, which is good, but it still underscores that things are gradually coming to an end. Others in my department have not yet found something new yet - some aren't really looking yet and others just haven't had any luck. Some of them, they've been at the same company for a very long time and will probably have trouble adapting, I'm worried about them. Overall we have done a very good job of holding things together and I think we're doing everything we can to take care of our people, we're doing the right things for them. This is probably as smooth a process for winding down a company as you can have. Nearly everyone has done a good job of pitching in and doing the work that needs to be done, we have been very fortunate in that regard. At this point managing morale and dealing with peoples' individual issues is the main challenge. The work left to be done isn't fun and it is easy to be depressed and pessimistic. That is the real enemy now. There have been some issues with people complaining that they have to work harder than someone else that is still here. It's aggravating but these situations bring out the worst in some people. Most however are dealing with the situation well and supporting one another, there are a lot of good people here. I keep checking in on people that may not be doing well, trying to make sure they're okay and giving them a chance to vent if they need to. NO CARRIER