Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: When I was in high school - even middle school for that matter - we learned about the separation of church and state as one of the defining characteristics of our form of government. We learned that the Pilgrims came here fleeing religious persecution in England, the Pennsylvania colony's early dedication to religious freedom. A nation of laws, and not of men, we were told. It seems we are slowly abandoning the things, one step at a time, that allowed the United States despite its faults and mistakes to claim that it aims at something higher than 'might makes right'. Are we going to allow a religious cabal to trample upon our unalienable rights? I suppose that remains to be seen. But those who are intent upon pushing their advantage as far as they can ought to consider what will happen when the American people weary of being preached at by an elitist cabal who don't care about our feelings, people who don't have to figure out how to make ends meet, who don't have time to keep pushing back against theistic rhetoric pushed by the school their kids attend. Many in the United States are now consciously signing on to force women who have been raped to carry their rapist's child to term; to force children to accept being pressured to participate in public prayer to a deity they may not believe in by a teacher paid from their parents' taxes; to force adherents of other religions or no religion at all to fund schools that openly proselytize to their students at public events. These are Unamerican things. My teachers in school would have told you that where we are now, this disgusting moment, was impossible. We may learn just how impossible it really is and the consequences for pushing any Americans too far back into a corner. In the 1970's there was a wave of violence in the United States in response to the repressive tactics of the Nixon Administration, the divisive clandestine activities of our government intelligence agencies against the political left, the anti-war movement, and the civil rights movement. There were widespread bombings and bomb threats among other things [0]. Scanlan's Monthly did an entire issue on 'Guerilla War' in the United States[1]: "Father Daniel Berrigan, the guerrila priest, said that he and others of the Baltimore 'Catonsville Nine' made the napalm they used to burn draft files. The instructions were found in the Green Beret Handbook which was read to them over the long distance telephone by a housewife in Southern California who kept the handbook up on the kitchen shelf with her other recipe books." People wonder why - unlike some other nations with many armed citizens - the United States has /so much/ gun violence. Regardless of the reasons why, we know that we do, it is a simple fact - Americans are ready to resort to violence, sometimes for completely foolish reasons or almost no reason at all. We bomb abortion clinics, we spawn serial killers, the Oklahoma City Bombing - the list goes on. At one time you needed a willingness to commit violence just to get by here and maybe that genetic stamp is just still firmly embedded in us. Regardless, you give Americans reason to want to see you suffer and bleed at your peril. Many have fantasies about being forced to abandon decency and commit brutal savagery either out of revenge or necessity for survival. Some of us want an excuse to 'go medieval' on someone. For those sometimes poorly-hidden instincts to be kept under wraps it is necessary that the momentary victors in the steady pendulum-swing of American politics to know when to ease off rather than continue to push their advantage. Otherwise we could be headed for some old-fashioned American Darwin Days in this country that will leave many of us waking up from nightmares every morning for the rest of our lives. [0] http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon2/domguemap.html [1] https://freedomarchives.org/Documents/Pubs/Scanlans.web.pdf Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know you're pulling off for a proper place to talk. It will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180 degree turn at speed, but you will be ready for it. Brace for the g's, and fast heel-toe work. (Raoul Duke) NO CARRIER