I added another section to my gopherhole. It's going to contain archives of any articles that I like on the web. I was inspired to do this after reading Michele Simionato's _The Adventures of a Pythonista in Schemeland_ [0]. I've always taken an intrest in scheme and I've wanted to learn it some more. I know that i could read SICP -- and don't worry, I am -- but this post/blog/book/whatever tailors the learning process around a Pythonista (me). Anyways, I really liked this post. So I figured I'd give it a home[1] for anyone on the gophernet who wants to read it. I get it to look the way it does by downloading the webpage in lynx, and just do some minor editing on it. It's the simplest way I could think of to do it. I tried out pandoc but it wasn't working for me. Hope this serves you guys well! [0]: https://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=251474 [1]: gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/~parker/mirrors/pythonscheme