I'm back! Yesterday I posted my first Phlog entry to my burrow on SDF for the first time in a third of a year. Now I'm doing the same here. I won't repeat everything I wrote over here except to say that I finally decided how I'm going to manage my two phlogs: * This (Zaibatsu) phlog will be for tech updates. I definitely predict some Vim-related content. Then probably ramblings about text markup and authoring. That sort of thing. * The SDF.org phlog will be for general updates of a personal nature. I expect I'll mostly write about "self help" type topics, but who knows? So, with that in mind, here's some current tech-related stuff I'm _actively_ working on: 1. A browser adventure game to teach touch typing 2. A new VimWiki "lite" clone (currently called Vwlite) 3. Continuing my Slackware Linux package blog * * * The browser game is for a practical purpose: teach my eldest how to touch-type. It is also a test bed for my understanding of immutable, stream-based data modeling and reactivity. It's coming along very slowly for this reason and has gotten heavily sidetracked as my meandering interests have swerved this way and that way. * * * The Vwlite plugin is intended to be my "one editing and publishing environment to rule them all" which will allow me to have my website, gopher (and Gemini) content under one wiki. The authoring and storage format will be AsciiDoc. The content will be built/exported/uploaded with custom scripts outside of Vim (but probably launched from inside Vim). The scripts will probably be Bash with some AWK as needed for custom conversions (particularly gophermap and gopher content formatting). * * * My Slackware Linux package blog, "PkgBlog" is currently stuck on the colossal GNU coreutils package. No fair! * * * I have a ridiculous number of backlogged topics for both phlogs, so content won't be a problem. Just time and energy. See you again soon and happy hacking, Sun Dogs! -ratfactor