# The 微phlog (Weiphlog) ``` Tidbits and notions. Stuff and blither. News and snooze. This little gmiphloglet be short and more mirth than matter. ``` ## 2020/05/30 * George Floyd News => https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2020/may/30/george-floyd-protests-minnesota-governor-riots-looting-police Guardian Rolling Live Coverage (Web) Rolling coverage on the fallout from the George Floyd murder. Trump is apparently ready to use the Insurrection Act to quell protests. A protester was shot dead by an attacker shooting wild from his SUV. 2020 funtimes. ## 2020/05/29 * GopherColour2 I have printed up a proposal which I hope shall be the seed of a specification for GopherColour2. The basic notion is to paint colour and bold &c by interlacing text with format lines. This would allow far more colours to be articulated per line and make painting gophermaps more pleasant for the user. => gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~shufei/tech/GopherColour/GopherColour2.txt GopherColour2 - A Naïvely Immodest Proposal (gopher link) * GopherColour Been working heaps on GopherColour, learning what to do and, most often, what not to do for it to come off. I think I have a by hand method down now, more or less. It is awkward as one cannot see the Secret Magic Color Escape character. One can only copypaste it. Sometimes. And the line constraints of a gophermap create issues for the server when it makes a menu. But on the whole, I find it gloriously lovely. I may be the only one on Gopherspace to feel thusly. So be it! Release the colours! * BLE contact tracing Tom Foobaz (great name) at 1.21jiggawatts.net (GREAT NAME!) has an interesting post on the whats and whens of how Bluetooth low energy (BLE) works on iOS. Or rather, how it is restricted to work, generally. => gemini://gem.1.21jiggawatts.net/posts/2020-05-29-a-short-summary-of-bluetooth-contact-tracing.gmi A Short Summary of Bluetooth Contact Tracing I got interested in scanning BLE beacons a while back, and rather concerned by the fine grain privacy implications. Time to crack out that programme and see who is pinging at the market. * Mornings are generally awful. Only whitenoise, headphones, and dark terminals make it bearable, haha. ## 2020/05/28 * Noguchi Akiyo in 2017 at Hachioji finals. I appreciate the heart Akiyo gives to her climbing, all the more poignant for her long experience. She would have countless golds if it weren’t for young Janja, whose perspicacity on a boulder is preternatural, if somehow a bit uninspiring. Akiyo often looks on the verge of tears, even if she usually is able at showing a good face for the audience. Akiyo pushes hard, as in 2018 when she came within a fingernail of 4 tops. Everyone cried with her. * Alexander and Darius at Pompeii All empires die. The Fates choose their own threads to weave poetry for our end. Memento mori. => https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/Battle_of_Issus_mosaic_-_Museo_Archeologico_Nazionale_-_Naples_2013-05-16_16-25-06_BW.jpg The Alexander Mosaic (large image) ## 2020/05/27 *GopherColour I’ve been pushing for GopherColour for years now. And now I wanna set it up. But whatever secret characters Tilde.pink used to get theirs pink is utterly invisible to both me and my tablet. I have tried every escape I can think of. Nano will copypaste it, but not my tablet. I can’t key it in. But cat can see it. VF-1 can see it. I’m about to go full bore Veruca Salt on this. * IoT Int at 80h has made a clever way to serve Gemini on one of those lil babby esp chip devices. Gemini is suited for a tenuous adhoc meshnet, I daresay! I hope we see more such advancements soon. => gemini://80h.dev/glog/2020-05-26.gemini A tiny tiny baby Gemini server for smol devices * Mail Quite a few nice people wrote in; and someone pointed out errors in links or formatting. Thanks for that. If you find a link on my gopherhole or geminicap doesn’t work, please do give me a head’s up. * Gemini I am enjoying Gemini. I do hope more interactive deployments are made soon. Why not a guestbook system with cryptosigned or encrypted messages? It would be a cinch to slap GPG to the front of AV-98 or such. (She says, naively.) What I really would fancy is Gemini support in Lynx, natch. And colours. Gemini client colour escape support... * Song 🎵...History shows again and again How nature points out the folly of Man...🎶 ## 2020/05/26 * Updates of Gemini & Gopher Sites I updated quite a bit of the sites. Quite grateful that Solderpunk included me on the Zaibatsu and Gemini CS. There’s a wee bit more elbow room. Now if I can only use it with alacrity. * 微博 Tinyphlog I’m tired of fediverse. I wanna do more in depth or long form writing anyway. But even the exhaustingly pedantic (Howdy!) need a coffee table for more concise knickknacks. Hence this 微博. I’ll try to refrain from posting the trite. But I doubt I’ll wholly succeed. -EOF- .