The Humble Bee: A Miscellany for the Quiet Hours Morning Music The Indescribable Brightness Shone / Projected Images. The smell of ripe figues in a late summer afternoon. A soft drone like breeze, soft glitches. Non-music. Occasionally brief piano snippets mingle with the breeze. You can hear the ocean, the sound of children playing, laughing in the distance. The grass on your hair and body. The brightness of the sun revealing itself through your eyelids. When you were a kid you used to lie down in the fields, pretending that someone was holding you from above and that the sky was pulling you down, as if you were falling into the sky with your stretched arms wandering through the clouds. Whatever your thoughts were, they're gone, replaced by a white fullness. Sometimes dissonant notes overlap with soft white noise drones but it all seems to keep you buried deep in a halo. The sound of the record player needle cycling over the last grooves. Glitches, memory fragments. Wondering slowly into a state of uncousciouness with the sound of a gentle surf breaking on the nearby shore. Let go. 05/04/2019 The Humble Bee on the www: