Announcing GeGoBi, a Gemini-Gopher-bihoster ------------------------------------------- I've written a Gemini server with the silly name "GeGoBi", whose purpose is to make it very simple for people who already have an existing Gopher server to transition to Gemini-Gopher bi-hosting, i.e. serving exactly the same content via Gopher and Gemini simultaneously so that people can access it over the protocol of their choosing. You can find it at The idea is that you just point it at your pre-exsting gopher directory (it'll use /var/gopher by default) and it does the rest. It will translate gophernicus-style gophermaps (which I think are pretty generic, but I've only tested it wiht gophernicus) into Geminimaps, and will generate directory listings for any directories without a gophermap file. I plan to also add support for geomyidae's .gph files, too. GeGoBi is now what's serving gemini://, serving the content from gopher://, replacing the ball of paperclips and bandaids that I hastily threw together several months ago. This will be a nice test, but I'm also keen to hear back from other people who test this out on their own gopherholes. Speaking of what's running gemini://, I should probably stop treating the Zaibatsu as my own personal platform for experimenting with Gemini. It would seem sensible to use GeGoBi to host *all* the Zaibatsu's gopher content on Gemini, but I'll have to see how the sundogs feel about that (and also add support for tilde syntax). I might need to look into getting a separate VPS to act as an official home for the Gemini project, and to set up some more experimental stuff.