Almost square foot gardening ---------------------------- Spring is here once again! For the previous two years this has meant gardening at our large allotment[1,2,3]. Unfortunately, in our new city of residence these are a scarce resource. They exist, but instead of being able to rent one this year we had to join an approximatley three-year long waiting list! So, this year we are experimenting with something a bit simpler. With permission from our apartment building's board we've put two small raised beds in one corner of the communal lawn area. We're going to try out square foot gardening[4], a kind of high-density gardening pioneered in the 70s by a retired engineer who sought to remove some perceived inefficiencies with traditional row-style gardening (which is what we practiced back when we had a hundred square metres to play with). None of the pre-made raised beds here divide neatly into genuine square feet, of course, because they are nice round numbers of centimetres, so our two beds are each divided into twelve rectangular sections of 30cm x 26.7cm. I am sure the plants won't mind. The days are sometimes quite lovely here already, but the overnight temperatures are still getting down to almost freezing some nights. Right now we have some seedlings sprouting on our windowsill, to be transplanted in the near future when it's a little warmer. Hopefully we'll be successful! [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher:// [4]