Coffee promises and responses ----------------------------- There's been quite a bit of coffee nerdery floating around the phlogosphere lately[1,2,3,probably more]. I am going to write a very length entry in response to this on the weekend when I can sit down and sink some time in it. There will be a little bit of content in there that is actually about coffee, but mostly it will be ruminations on the nature of connoisseurship. Because heaven forbid I respond straightforwardly to a simple question about coffee. Kroovy recently wrote a nice post[4] which expresses a few opinions and perspectives I share. I don't at all buy the connection of any of this stuff to communism vs capitalism, and I'm insufficiently interested in that alleged connection to explain why I don't. But I am 100% on board with a call to arms for people to make the computing world better by ignoring the siren songs of lifestyles and instead building better tools, and to embrace minimalism in computing, for a lot of reasons. Maybe I should write a post about that this weekend too, afterall it's exactly the kind of thing this phlog alleges to be about. Defanor (who, argh, has written even more since I last visited his gopherhole. Following his excellent phlog is going to be the reason I eventually set up a moku-pona feed for myself) wrote not so recently[5] about how he has done away with passwords for his mailserver, and downloads mail, I guess in a way akin to POP3, to his computer directly over SSH. He pushes mail to be sent to the server in the same way, so his whole email experience is pasword free and secured entirely using SSH keys. This is the most interesting tech related thing I've read in a while. It seems obvious and trivial in hindsight, but I've literally never heard of anybody doing it, and upon first exposure to the idea it comes across as pure genius. Major thanks to everybody who tuned into the first episode of Half Hour of Powr last night!!! [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher:// [4] gopher:// [5] gopher://