Gopherspace: the tip is the best! --------------------------------- There's been some discussion lately[1,2,3], kicked off by jynx, about how the easily visible phlogosphere is just the tip of the gopher iceberg and that there's lots of really good content out there on gopher that's a little harder to find. I want to play devil's advocate a bit and say that, IMHO, the easily visible phlogosphere is the best part of gopherspace! Maybe it's just me, but I find it very hard to get excited about automatically-generated Gopher frontends to web content, piles of binary files for obsolete computer platforms, yet another mirror, etc. Gopher-exclusive and community-oriented content being actively created for Gopher gopher today is way, way more interesting and exciting for me. Floodgap, frankly, puts me to sleep. I'm *not* saying all that stuff is bad content and that I wish it wasn't there. It's not and I don't, it's valuable and I'm glad it's out there. I'm sure it's useful to a lot of people. But if that's all that there was to Gopherspace, it'd be somewhere I visited out of curiosity once every six months or so. It's possible that my above characterisation of Gopherspace beyond the phlogosphere is out of date. If you think that's true, how about sharing some links to the best non-phlog content out there? [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher://