Missing Anonradio ----------------- Anonradio was one of the things that really drew me into SDF this time around. By which I mean not just listening to it, but listening to certain shows (especially snowdusk's) on a regular basis, logged into COM at the time they were being broadcast, interacting with the host and the other listeners. Also, I would occasionally stream stuff myself during the OpenMic slots. It was a lot of fun interacting with a tight little sub-community in this way. Since I moved to Finland, and hence a drastically different timezone, I'm not awake or available for my favourite shows anymore, and I can't take part in OpenMic. It's a real bummer. I asked about opening up more OpenMic slots on bboard, but there doesn't seem to have been much of a response. I know I could and *should* be listening from the archives, but somehow I can't get into the habit. I aliased `anon` to stream AnonRadio using mpg123 in my shell, which is effortless, and navigating to individual archive shows in my browser is far less easy to do automatically without thought, so these days I mostly just type `salad` and listen to SomaFM's Groove Salad instead, which I absolutely love even though sometimes it feels like I've been listening to exact same stuff for years. For a while I've thought what I should do is get in a habit of downloading archive episodes of my favourite shows to my phone each morning so I can listen to them at work. I tried to do that today for the first time, finally, only to discover that the Android version of Firefox is tremendously broken and doesn't actually let you download files using a link (I wish I was kidding). Bleh.