2021-01-02 14:23:27 Trying to make it easier for myself to work with a gopher. First thing - organizing gophermap. I use excellent tutorial ( https://johngodlee.github.io/2019/11/20/gopher.html ), but still struggle with gopher rules of mapping files. So, I dig into documentation and discover for myself operator `=` which can start shell commands like `ls` or `date`. For example =date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S in gophermap prints current date and time. Next step was toss my files along foldertree, and write autogenerate scripts for every folder of them. For example for 2021 year folder: 12021 2021 =ls 2021 -1 | sed 's/^.*$/0\0\t2021\/\0/' And for Low_Tech folder which has images I have two separate scripts: 1Low_Tech Low_Tech =ls Low_Tech -1 | grep "txt$" | sed 's/^.*$/0\0\tLow_Tech\/\0/' =ls Low_Tech -1 | grep "png$" | sed 's/^.*$/I\0\tLow_Tech\/\0/' Nice and convinient.