# Preamble 2021-01-02 14:46:29 This is third season of my notes about low tech pim - in markdown format. ## Low_Tech_Pim: s03e01 I use #t-ui launcher and #Markor editor on my android phone. Markor has the QuickNotes file for quick notetaking and pasting from phone buffer. I sync it with my desktop ando other computers by #syncthing Very convinient. Often save to it links and quotes from browser (better archive than quick bookmarks) etc. Last night write small script and alias to quick insert notes from t-ui command-line. It was a little tricky, because I want it with timestamp, but both `date` command and `alias` of t-ui launcher get percent as meaningful character. So I write small sh-script and connect it with alias, so script - just one-liner `qn.sh`: echo "\n"`date +#\ %Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S` $@"\n" | tee -a /storage/emulated/0/text/QuickNote.md.txt and alias: q=sh /storage/emulated/0/Download/sper/t-ui/sh/qn.sh % So I can now write in CLI of launcher something like: q my notes to self And they fall into end of my QuickNote.md.txt with prooper timestamp and header. Also I have alias web=sh /storage/emulated/0/Download/sper/t-ui/sh/qn.sh web links from xiaomi Wich I start before browsing - so my bookmarks paste inside card with timestamp and header. [//]: # ( vim: set ft=markdown )