[09/20/2017] I gave away my previous piZero, and purchased a piZeroW. Sadly, my PiZeroW died shortly after buying it, I have no idea why. I tried some of the troubleshooting methods online to bring it back, but nothing seemed to work. It seems entirely dead. I'll eventually buy another, but for now I have enough projects to worry about. ---- [undated, 2016?] I've been using my pi Zero, soldered up to the dlink DUB-H7 for a few weeks now. At first, an issue in the raspi-config s/w accidentally crippled my unit to 800mhz in the boot config. Even at that speed, the unit was very usable, especially from the console. Once I saw that and upped it to 1100mhz, the performance has been much better, especially in X. As for browsers, elinks rocks, lynx is great, links2 is good for images, and Firefox chokes. Cutycapt works well for getting screenshots of websites quickly. Xombrero and Epiphany are life savers on the piZero. They both perform well, at times one works better for specific websites than the other (xombrero worked for my bank's website, Ephiphany did not.) Xombrero required that I setup a GTK theme, otherwise text in the address/search bars was white-on-white. Not a lot of setup hassles though. With the right software, and the right expectations, the pi zero is a great little unit as a simple workstation.