Beauty - a section for things of beauty (photos, etc) I took a photo of my flute for a phlog response, but didn't really have a place to put it in my gopher hole. Rather than try to re-organize things, I decided to just add this beauty folder to my art section. To me, the word beauty is frustrating. The general public, it seems to me, has odd ideas about what is beautiful. And those ideas seem to be constantly changing. This is more than especially true when it comes to human beauty, which society really seems to have no concrete ideas about. I believe it's because there are too many industries and too many dollars tied up with the notion, but that's another subject. This folder is for things that I find beauty in. I might not put anything other than my flute in here, but hopefully I'll take some time to find other things to put here, since there are many things in this world that are beautiful. I don't ask that anyone else find beauty in what I put in here but if you do, that's wonderful.