Treadmill While Working 03/24/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past few years, I've developed some health consequences associated with a now decades-long desk-job life. The solution is simple enough in theory, but in practice I can't easily walk away from my income source. That's a lie which I don't believe--I could just walk away. We like to tell ourselves that we don't have choices, but we do. I'll put it this way instead: I don't want to walk away from my income source. Instead, I want to believe I can solve the problem through more mindfulness. And so, this morning, I found a stray piece of thick masonite (the kind with one side coated in that white glossy layer, perfect for whiteboards), and half a length of 1"x2"x8' wood, and built a quick treadmill desk. It's light and sturdyish, and sits easily atop my treadmill's upper thing (whatever that's called; controls?) I am, of course, walking and testing it out now. The height happens to be about perfect. It might be an inch too high. We'll see how my shoulders feel at the end of the day. I have enough experience with ergonomics to know when something is off, and my gut tells me I might try to adjust this thing .5-1"... but I don't have a ton of room to easily work on that, as the height is largely determined by the treadmill itself. Wish me luck, fellow gopher travelers.