re:Six years of gopher 05/25/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Really enjoyed solderpunk's 6 year post[1]. He called it "naval gazing" (I was an early slashdotter too my friend!), but I didn't find it self-absorbed at all; I mean, not more than I would expect from someone's personal journal/log. That's the point of the journal, I think! And it's a pleasure to read what other people are doing and thinking. At least, that's how I view it. So thanks, solderpunk! The time really has flown on gopher and pubnix. I'm sure the time would have flown no matter what we were all doing, because that's what time does. But it is still fascinating how the years stack up, when viewed through the lens of some simple activity done with some amount of consistency. I used this line (thanks stackexchange) to count the words in my gopher directory: find . -type f -name \*.txt -print0 -exec cat {} + | wc -w and came up close to 200k words. That's a lot of navel-gazing right there! Which makes this a meta-navel-gazing activity, I think... Solderpunk also ruminated on long-form vs. short-form. I have to say, I'm absolutely a huge fan of both. For writing and reading; though I probably tend to ramble on needlessly, for my part. However, it is pleasant to read/write something brief, some small experience or thought. And, it's pleasant to just write a stream of whatever comes to mind--or, to meticulously piece together something complex over time, though I do this less frequently. And to read long-form is pleasing too. All that to simply say: bang out whatever is on your mind! If nothing else, you'll enjoy it; and there's a great chance someone else out there will enjoy it too. Here's to the next 6 years! [1] gopher://