Trading Oddities 03/08/24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I like to watch the financial markets from a distance, for fun. For a few years, I've been feeling like market behavior has become less and less human, but I haven't really bothered with examining those feelings or their source (apart from wild internal speculation). Today, I stumbled on an article[1] referencing a research paper[2], that put what I've been feeling into words. In essence, AI or algorithm based trading systems, used by massive organizations like BlackRock and J.P. Morgan, are changing the landscape in ways that weren't expected. Because these systems function in similar ways, using similar or identical data and associated biases, they automatically form mutually-beneficial relationships / behaviors. Though the systems have no actual connectivity, and no way to work together directly--and no actual agreement on the corporate side (they claim), they exhibit a type of collusion that is in fact modifying the landscape of trading. If you've felt like something is not right in the world of finance (I mean, more than usual), have a look at the article and/or study, it will be worth your time. [1] [2]