9front, again 05/26/21 ------------------------------------------------------------ A friend has convinced me to try out plan9 again. Well, not so much convinced as brought it to my attention again, he wasn't pushy :) Previously, I had attemped a hardware install on an old Acer netbook. That had failed. This time, I imaged my Thinkpad T410 and attempted a 9front install there... and it worked without a hitch. Ethernet is working, and I've downloaded the iwn firmware for the built-in wifi. I'll attempt to get that going, as I don't have a hub/switch here at this desk, and I'd like to not have to leave my main station to play with this thing. As for how plan9 goes, I already know. Learning esoteric operating systems is something I enjoy doing, but only after I've gotten through the initial "what am I spending my time on this for?" phase. It goes like this for me: 1. Get excited to try something new 2. Go through the hassle of getting access (remote system, local install, etc) 3. Start to get things going 4. Determine that the way this OS works is garbage, full of useless tangential methods and ideas that make life hell 5. Get angry at whoever made the thing for being so cantakerous toward humanity and reason 6. Either: 1) throw it out and start back at step 1 later down the road; or, 2) power through my feelings 7. Once I've powered through, I start to appreciate the OS for what it is, rather than hate it for what it isn't 8. Be at peace with the new OS Most recently, TOPS-20 and OpenVMS were a little bit of the same process. And, to be honest, I quite enjoy both of those now. So, we'll see if I can get all the way to step 8 this time, or if I end up getting stuck at step 6 again, like I did the last couple times I picked up plan9.