Editing (zaibatsu), 03/12/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ It's a slow process, at least for me, but I'm enjoying the results. I've decided that I want to be a capitalist. Yes, this still has to do with writing and editing; I want to write for a living. In the end, I want to control the means of production (myself.) It would be wonderful to also be an artist, but I'm not willing to starve (or, more accurately, I'm not willing to let my family starve.) Editing is something that I need to improve at. However, I think I need to improve in speed more than I need to improve in quality, if I want to be a capitalist. I've been reading quite a bit about self-publishing vs. using an agent and publisher. I'm still not decided on the matter, but since I'm slow at editing, I have time before I need to decide. You may have noticed, if you've read my phlogs, that I don't edit my gopher content. I'm generally quite lazy. There are some gopher holes that I've read, that I'm certain have been edited. They're closer to art than I am. I'm OK with that. I write in gopher for the pure enjoyment of it. I just love hammering out thoughts, reading thoughts and being corrected, and hammering out more thoughts. It's interconnected, and in my mind, it's not about perfection, or even editing for mistakes. It's a conversation of sorts. That's my excuse at least. In the real world, I realize that I need to get better at editing.