------------------------------------------------------------ Art Mediums, (zaibatsu), 12/17/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ My daughter is an artist. Art is the thing that she does when she has free time. It's the thing she does in the few brief moments before she has to run to other things. Its the thing that she thinks about and talks about and fills her room with. She's an artist because she loves to create art. The other day, my daughter said to me, "dad, it seems like all of the artists are switching to digital art." Ok, first off, my daughter has a tendency to use hyperbole when talking about what "all the other kids" are doing. It's normal, I think, for an adolescent to fret about fitting in. Second, she spends a lot of time on the internet looking at what other people are doing with art... and surprise, surprise, a lot of people online are posting digital artworks. I had a short talk with her about art mediums, and the joy that comes from working with a wide variety of mediums. I'm not an artist, but my younger brother is, and he absolutely loves a wide variety of mediums, including digital ones. I encouraged her to continue with the mediums she loves, as she explores digital methods. There is absolutely no reason to abandon one to explore another.