------------------------------------------------------------ Gopher stuff, (zaibatsu), 12/27/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ It's days like this when I'm glad that I have more than one gopher hole. SDF's gopher.club is currently down, which means that browsing my favorite links and moku-pona lists is a half-experience. Ah well, at least it's something to write about. Hmmm... I can't ssh to SDF either. It was working earlier today. On another gopher note, I read somewhere (I won't search for the link right now, as it might well be on the down SDF) that someone was using gopher in a VR headset, I think for a distraction-free experience. If I recall properly, they weren't calling it a VR headset... but I can't remember what term they were using. Head Mounted Display? Something with "Personal" in the name, I think. I can't find the link, though I did go ahead and search. Maybe it was jirka or jynx. I'll look later. Anyway, it made me think of the VR Gopher client[1], which user papa posted some pictures of[2], and which I've played with in the past. It's nothing fancy, it just made me think about it. There would be not real point, but it would be amusing if someone built VR motion control into the client (or into a new, similar client.) Honestly, I can't think of a single use that would matter at all to anyone, but it'd be fun. [1] gopher://gopher.floodgap.com:70/1/gophervr [2] gopher://grex.org:70/0/~papa/pgphlog/2017/afx-ABC_VR_ETC