Marking Art (zaibatsu), 01/08/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fahrvergnügen. _..-----.._ /.--'''''--.\ || || _||___________||_ / _\ | /_ \ |(_)\ | /(_)| |____'.__!__.'____| (____|_______|____) ||| ||| `-' `-' If you were watching T.V. in the 1990's you probably remember this contrived german-esque word. It came into my head inexplicably today, so I figured I'd write it down. The ad campaign was, perhaps, a little annoying (weren't they all in the 1990s?) but the word is fun to say. Fahrvergnügen. For a non-German-speaker, it's fun to say. For me, it's fun to say, let's leave it at that. Fahrvergnügen. Sometime in the early 2000's, my T.V. broke, and I never replaced it. Streaming video came along later, but I never got back into the series watching (I have a serious problem with watching and re-watching movies, which is bad enough.) The result of my T.V.less life has been a lot less exposure to certain types of ad campaigns. Sure, I see a lot of ads, but I don't see T.V. style ads. They are distinct. They operate differently. They have a certain kind of marketing art in and to them. I don't miss T.V. ad campaigns. Perhaps if all other advertising suddenly disappeared I'd miss some of it, but as it stands- in a super-saturated state- it's hard to imagine I would. Volkswagons, on the other hand, have always been nifty to me. I've never owned one. I don't think I've ever even driven one, and yet, I like them. They have a positive place in my mind. Perhaps they really are/have Fahrvergnügen... or, maybe the marketing and advertising (and Herbie videos,) did their job. (o\_!_/o)