Life and stuff (zaibatsu), 06/25/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ It's been almost a month since I've posted on gopher. That's a bit of a long stretch for me, based on the last couple years of gopher habits. I haven't even taken time to *read* on gopher... But here I am, with a very tiny contribution. And, I took some time to take a VF-1 tour through a long list of Bongusta backlog. I didn't have time to read everything, but it was nice to catch up a little bit. In the meantime, I got a new used car to replace the one the deer ruined, increased my insurance coverage a bit, got lots of editing done on that book, met a few new people, mowed the yard, survived a small flash flood without getting water in the basement, caught my first fish in MO, and visited every firework stand in a 15mile radius with my youngest. The thing is, I could have easily been using gopher and still done all of those things. Gopher is *simple*. It is simple to participate, both in reading and in writing. There is very little in the way, very little required. It's the kind of tech behavior that doesn't suck away at life. I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying this time of year, wherever you are!