Dreams, stuff, hello gopher (zaibatsu), 07/06/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello gopher world. I was dissipating in SDF's minecraft world last week, rather than expanding myself in writing. I've been absent from gopher, and I've felt the loss. Interestingly, it's not a feeling of missing something, but more a feeling that I wasted my free time and energy in the wrong way. In the good/better/best paradigm of free-time usage , gopher is usually in the "better" category, If feel. There are many things that are far worse. Mostly I wouldn't place gopher in the "best" category, but I also wouldn't place it as low as just "good". Last night, in my dream, I saw the top layer of natural crunchy peanut butter -the kind that settles under the seperated oil layer- and I thought that the little bits of peanut sticking out made it look like the surface of the moon. The thought never occurred to my waking mind, but the next time I'm at the store I'm going to have a look and see if my conscious agrees with my subconscious.