A terminal for the blind (zaibatsu), 10/25/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ I've got parts coming for a Grant Searle video terminal[1], which I've been meaning to build for a long time. I regularly use a Briel PockeTerm[2], with a ROM made by someone at SDF[3], and customized further. I'm looking forward to having some options. As I thought about what my next Arduino project might be, I wondered if the thing was powerful enough for text-to-speech. Sure enough, it apparently is[4]. I got to thinking about a blind terminal, where I could type on a PS/2 keyboard[5], and my keystrokes would get sent to a Serial port, and whatever came back would be spoken. I'm going to make the thing, once the PS/2 connectors I ordered for Grant's terminal arrive (I already have the parts for the audio amp). It seems to me that it would be quite usable for line-oriented ROM BASIC (especially since you can page the LIST output with the LINES command, and have it pause after each line if you want). We'll see how it turns out. [1] http://searle.x10host.com/MonitorKeyboard/index.html [2] http://www.brielcomputers.com/wordpress/?cat=25 [3] https://github.com/zaphodbe/ajvTerm [4] https://github.com/jscrane/TTS [5] https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/PS2Keyboard/