Old Gopher Habits (zaibatsu.circumlunar.space), 03/03/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------ They say that old habits die hard. One of the things that I've done with gopher over the past several years is respond to every awesome thing that I find. Well, I tried at at least. Gopher hasn't grown exponentially or anything, but even so I'm finding this habit harder and harder to maintain. Perhaps gopher is the same and I'm getting less capable. In any case, I'm feeling that it's time to do something new. I'm certain that I won't be able to help responding from time-to-time, but I'm going to give myself permission to read something wonderful, and simply enjoy it. I've already started... today, I read several great things, and only responded to one. If you're out there and you're reading this, and you're someone who publishes new content on gopher, chances are that I'm actively reading your stuff. Thank you for writing it. Thank you for being who you are. You are diverse, intelligent, and beautiful, to me. You give me hope in humanity.