Bongusta Aggregator 02/06/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I read on gopher, I usually start out by visiting the Bongusta Aggregator[1]. It's a curated list of phlogs that cover a lot of ground, and I enjoy reading what I find there. This morning, with a few spare minutes, I decided to check it out, and noticed that the site's owner, logout, was among the latest phlog posts[2]. Based on the time available, I read his two latest posts[3][4]. First, I'm glad to hear your family is doing well post-covid, logout. I think we got it a few months after you did, but we also had a very mild experience with it. And, my wife also has a chronic illness; the world is small, it's fascinating that there are so many similar or shared experiences. I love that your post was written on a Jornada 720. The old palmtop PC's make me so happy. I wish that someone would make an approachable one today, sans Android or iOS... Your "lazy idiot" post, about switching from Windows to Linux 20 years ago, was wonderful as well. I mentioned that I have limited time this morning (need to warm up the car for a meeting), so I think I'll have to come back to it. Hopefully you enjoy your T410; I have one here on my desk that I use for ham radio stuff, and it's been a tank. Good Sunday, gopherspace. [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher:// [4] gopher://