Happy New Year 02/06/22 ------------------------------------------------------------ Well, gopherspace... happy new year! It's February, so I'm quite late in my well wishes. But you know what they say about that. This year (not connected to any sort of resolution), I think I'll move on from 60col. It was real, and it was fun... but it wasn't real fun. I mean, really, this big wide screen, all this real estate, and I've got to resize my terminal so that my neck isn't craned all the way to the left all the time? I think it might be time for something else. Of course, if you really think about it, the only thing that makes much sense at all is to not insert line breaks, and to let things wrap based on the terminal size. The only problem there is, today's reader and today's writer aren't really interested in long form for the most part. And so, when you don't wrap, you get a visually unappealing sparsity that's no fun for anyone. But seriously, 60col is pushing it. Maybe 80 columns, or 100, or some other magical number. I know there have been actual debates on the issue. I don't know if I can be bothered to search them out though. No matter. Have a happy new year, no matter what your terminal looks like, and no matter what happens with the columns! Watched the movie "Harvey" this evening, the one from 1950. The main character in that is just so darn positive and easy-going. He just isn't worried about life. What a way to be!