Logout's FreeBSD Experiment 02/07/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logout recently wrote about laziness in computing, and a foray into the world of FreeBSD[1]. At some point, I think we all become lazy about our use of computers. Certainly, the marketplace encourages that, and the amount of time we can commit to computing has to play a role as well. But, he was specifically talking about being lazy in terms of willingness to learn new things. Most users use Windows because it's handed to them with their new computer. They don't question anything about it, they just comply, because that is how they think the world operates. They're victims, ultimately, of a monopolistic system. Desktop *nix users, on the other hand, make a conscious decision about their operating system and environment. But, as logout noted, sometimes we get locked in to one way of thinking, and forget that there are new things to learn and try out there in the world of *nix. And so, logout is trying out FreeBSD on a Thinkpad T410. To learn new things, break free from fixed thinking, and progress. From what I read, that seems to be the extent of the reasoning, and it sounds fine to me. I've tried various BSDs, but have always ended up at the same conclusion: BSD takes more of my time. Certainly, it takes time to learn something new... but I'm talking about the time it takes to maintain and manage. I haven't found, yet, a way for BSD to fit efficiently into my time/space with everything else that pulls on me in life. Perhaps I'm not understanding something, but to me, it feels like an OS that requires more of the operator, which is the price for the benefits it gives. It will be interesting to see where Logout ends up with the experiment. I'm also curious how experienced BSD users feel about the time it takes to manage and maintain (including new software, software updates, and new hardware) a desktop BSD system, if someone wants to write that phlog post... [1] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2022-02-05_am_i_one_of_those_lazy_idiots.txt