A Nielsen Buck 06/18/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nielsen Company sent me a big old survey in the mail. Thirty-two pages long, with a pre-paid return envelope. Apparently, they want to know everything about my consumer habits. I don't need thirty-two pages to tell them about how much I dislike consumerism, how I avoid all advertising, watch zero TV, etc. Anyway, it came with a form letter explaining how excited I should be to be a "voice for my community!" and all that. What an opportunity! And to prove just how real this all was, there was a crisp, new $1 bill attached to the bottom of the page, and a promise of $5 after finishing the packet (wowwy!). A Nielsen Buck, straight from the Federal Reserve. I pulled the Buck off and set it aside, then trashed the rest. A trophy buck, I figured. Maybe I'd keep it on my desk for laughs. Who knows, it could become a permanent fixture! A rap on the door this evening ended my shameless Buck hoarding scheme. It was two little girls from down the street. They were selling candy for some fund-raiser. "I don't have any cash," I started, when I recalled the Nielsen Buck. I told them to sit tight, retrieved it, and bought myself a Yummy-Lix Cherry Cheesecake gourmet lolipop, which I'm sucking on as I write this. It's full of corn syrup and evil, but it tastes alright. Maybe I'll make a taste-memory out of it. This particular artificial chemical-ether taste will forever mean "Nielsen Buck" in my neural pathways. It's probably better than cluttering up my desk anyway.