------------------------------------------------------------ Art/Simple Beauty, (circumlunar), 11/08/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ Somewhere, someone once said that "simplicity is beauty." It might have been Goethe or Plato or Emerson or Dorothy Parker; I'm not exactly sure who to credit. But it has been said, and it was before my time, and it's true. 99.9% guaranteed. I have a friend back in Arizona who is a pathologist by trade, and a gardener, prepper, ham, and carpenter (among other things) on the side. He collects and uses antique hand tools for woodworking, because he loves the simplicity of their design, and the very connected experience he has when using them. To me, his tools are beautiful because they are simple and well-made. We were visiting his house once when I noticed that he had a thermometer outside his window, between his house and his garden. He mentioned off-hand that he used it to tell when it was getting too cold out. I don't get out much, I guess, and I hadn't seen this before, but I noticed then that his thermometer was able to show him a max-high, and a min-low temperature via a simple mechanism that pushed a dial to an extreme as the temperature changed. He'd look out the window in the morning, and he could see if it had been below freezing during the night. Contrast that with my solution, in which I had connected a raspberry pi up to temperature, light, and humidity sensors, then logged the data in a database, which I could query in the morning. Sure, I had a lot more data, but we had both solved a problem, and he had certainly invested less money and time in his simple and beautiful solution. Technology is beautiful to me too, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it all feels like too much, and I want to go out and get a low-tech thermometer and some hand tools. I found something like the one my friend has here: http://www.leevalley.com/us/garden/page.aspx?cat=2,43224&p=60068