------------------------------------------------------------ Writing, (circumlunar), 10/04/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ I just learned of a book titled "Gadsby", or "Gadsby: A Story of Over 50,000 Words Without Using the Letter "E"[1]. How could I not have heard about this? Apart from the obvious reality that I don't get out much... Is it wrong that I'm oddly sold on this ludicrous form of writing? (hey that sentence didn't have an "e"!) Why do I find the things people do so interesting? My mind is blown knowing that there are entire groups that care at all about "constrained-writing." Anyway, if you already knew about it, the only thing I have to say is: why didn't you tell me? Wasn't it obvious that I'd be interested? [1] gopher://gopherpedia.com:70/0/Gadsby (novel)