------------------------------------------------------------ The Grex, (circumlunar), 10/01/2018 ------------------------------------------------------------ Grex recently moved their VM. I'm not sure how long it's been since they were running directly on hardware, but it was before my time there. Along with this most recent move, and some telco hardware failure, it seems like grex.org has had a lot of downtime. More often than not, when I attempt to login or visit their gopher content, I get a timeout. Doggone it, the pain of it is that grex was my main gopher hole. That's not pleasant, but I can't expect them to keep the entire system up for me and a few other folks that still use it. We've all tried to get more people on there over the past year or two, with a tiny bit of success, but perhaps not enough to matter. I worry that they might be going the way of the dinosaur... In other news, SDF has gotten even more bizarre than it already was when SMJ was running the show solo. I guess there is no sure thing in this life.